My Soul Is Lifted
My soul is lifted, filled with stories of freedom and tears for fear warriors. There are many times the Lord is pretty clear when He speaks to me. Other times, the silence is not something I am patient for, though I understand that's also a form of communication. When He speaks words into my heart, they are so very powerful. It’s clear where He wants me and what He wants me doing. Why do I fight it? Someone’s story isn’t just a story to me. It’s a biography of their battles, their triumphs and their failures. Each time many of these warriors stood against fear, faced it head on, and conquered. The stories filled me up so much, I had to take a moment to myself. You see, you may still be learning this about me, as I am learning it about myself. I feel everything around me deep down in my soul. Down to the depths of my bones. I want to shout out loud for you. I want to go to the front lines for you. I want to be in the depths of your grief and carry you out. I now know, NOTHING is wrong with that. I used to think I was ridiculous for feeling so much. Until, the Lord helped me realize that’s a part of my greatness. He’s handed me EVERYTHING I will ever need. I hope in the days, months and years to come. You allow me to give to you. Pour into you, love you, believe in you (even when you don’t believe in yourself.) I pray He uses me in your life. I pray that I JUST may be your tool, your path. Remember, when the Lord wants to do work in your life, He sends people. People have been sent to me and I am forever grateful. I identify that now, even the relationships that hurt me taught me so much more.